
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Epic Wright Time

Entirely for your viewing pleasure...

Not because I won't be later embarrassed and regret posting this...

Surely you will tire of reading by now and move on...

I bring you Mr. Wright's version of Epic Mealtime.

If you have not heard of the show, move on. I will not be associated with your future addiction or resentment towards learning about this type of television programming.

Albeit sometimes very low, I do have standards my friends.

P.S. I have no idea what albeit means, but it sounds fancy.

P.P.S. I just might finish a project and post it sometime in the near future. (Wink, wink.)


  1. Was it as tasty as it looks? Natalie, you're going to really have to step it up for Thanksgiving!

  2. Holy heart attack waiting to happen Batman! Oh my, that was amazing. I am sure they loved it.

  3. bahahahahaha albiet *i dont know what that word means either..but i did like the fancy vibe it left with i am also using it..anyhow.. this is one crazzzzy mother load of a pizza, albiet, i am pretty sure this needs to win awards!..huh, i wonder if i used this big word right..hahaha..that would be exciting.

  4. shoot..i spelled albeit wrong. hahaha. at least i tried.

  5. bleh. my favorite part was the "flip!" for the pizza.

    that is so gross.
