
Friday, November 11, 2011

Crock-Pot Blog

I have a Crock-Pot blog.

Not to be confused with with I have a blog about Crock-Pots.

It's not that I don't have a Crock-Pot, I just choose not to blog about it.

I am a Liberal in the form of Crock-Pottery.

(Yeah, that didn't make any sense to me either.)

A Crock-Pot blog, is a blog with no defined purpose or direction. It is when a person or blogger (does that mean I am a blogher?) posts about many random topics, not choosing a divine purpose or goal.

Basically I blog about whatever the heck I want.

But to be honest, that is not entirely true. I do have a blog theme.

It's me.

So if you are new around here and are wondering what kind of blog this is, it's a blog about yours truly.

I know, awesome right?

If you are here to learn about photography, or watch me slowly repaint everything in my house including (but certainly accidentally) my children, then you might get a little of that here and there.

But in the end I will always come back to the same photo journalistic purpose. This is my life, my story, my photos, my projects, my grammatical errors, my dog, my family, my blog.

Wait, I don't have a dog.

Me! This blog is about me.

Sometimes my life is creative. Sometimes my life is funny. Sometimes my life is dependent on you leaving comments or following me by clicking on that little button on the right.

(Not like all the fake followers who hide in Google Reader. I know you would never do that.)

Hang out with me for awhile, and I will promise to keep posting when something good seems to be going on around here.

Except I will never post about Crock-Pots.

That, my friends, is a promise. :)

Except for this pictures I stole of the web.

You have to admit, this Crock-Pot looks freakin' awesome.


  1. You are freaking awesome and as long as you keep blogging about you, I will keep coming.

    I have never in my life put that much goodness into a crockpot. Crockpots are for dumping a bag of chicken with bbq sauce or some other sauce like salsa and going....

    But I wish that was my crockpot.

  2. Funny. I love crockpots. There is a $200 one i want at williams sonoma. Is that weird?
