
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Holiday Surprise

Monday, July 4th

11:00 am: Mr. Wright discovers a mink in the backyard.

11:05: We chase the chickens like mad, catch them, throw them in coop.

11:10: Dallan and I look at each other. What the crap do we do now?

11:15: Mink hides under the playhouse and I call Animal Control.

11:45: Police Sergent stops by and tells us that mink are crafty and hard to catch and leaves.

11:55: I find the phone number for the mink farm over a mile away and no answer.

12:45: Chicken are getting restless and the kids are all crying in the house.

12:55: I drive to the mink farm and knock on the farmers front door. No answer. I leave a note.

5:15: Hubby and I drive to Wal-Mart and buy a gun.

5:45: I arm myself with the hose, and I stand on top of a table in the backyard screaming, all while Dallan chases the creature all over the backyard.

5:50: It's over. Kids are cheering and weeping inside. Their chickens are safe again!

Here's the prize, which until this morning was seriously stinking up my garbage can:

Mr. Wright has some serious weapon skills.

I will never make fun of him for growing up in Idaho again.


No, I better not promise that.


  1. What kind of gun is that? I didn't know Walmart sold handguns.

  2. A manly BB gun. Natalie's excited to now shoot dogs that venture into the yard.

  3. oh should have made a stole... :)

  4. Love the look on your face! Way to go!

  5. I can't believe you just went down to Walmart and bought a gun! That was really funny. Here in California it is not that easy!

  6. ask him if he recalls blowing snapping turtles out of the water on his mission with CJ. as CJ tells the story, turtle rained from the sky....

    guys with guns.

  7. Oh my I am glad that I did not have that holiday surprise. Also glad your husband has skills with a BB gun.

  8. THAT IS SO AWESOME!! I would have flown home just to be a part of that...I think I would have wet my pants for to much laughter!

  9. bahahahaha this story seriously cracks me up. I am so sad I missed all this action...i am picturing you standing on the table screaming with the hose! and mr wright "hunting" that sneaky lil mink... too funny. and seriously that's one awesome looking bb gun! so glad you took this one into your own hands! what a great pic and made my morning!

  10. Love it! Love his face too :)

  11. Glad to see you haven't totally forgotten your Idaho upbringing. Feel free to come on back for a refresher course any time.
